"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anais Nin
Yes, it's been awhile. Over a year and a half. I'm in the process of overhauling a lot of things right now, the blog included. I stopped writing when I stopped blogging. Sad but true. Not the kind of thing a writer likes to admit, let alone practice. Life has been kind of crazy the past two years, but it's taught me a lesson or two. I'm hoping this time they stick.
I didn't pick the best time to start writing. Family moving, school ending, graduation imminent, a wedding anniversary, father-in-law coming to town, Father's day looming, chronic illness still parked above my head like a junker with no wheels. Don't get me started on learning a new camera and Photoshop Elements . . . . Still, the time felt right.
With Lost over, it seems obsolete to continue posting about it. Maybe I'll revisit an episode or two when a theme or literary device resonates, but I think my Lost days are over. Time to start fresh. Start new. Time to put on my steel-underpants and start writing.
Courage. Ain't it a bitch?